import time import threading from rpi_ws281x import PixelStrip, Color import RPi.GPIO as GPIO ####################TO DO´s########################## # 1. Multithread for separating blinker and animation # 2. Button interrupt for longer animations (rainbow/police) # 3. Optimize Police animation #################################################### # LED strip configuration: numpix = 20 segment = 4 delay = 0.15 brightness = 100 anzahl_animationen = 5 LED_PIN = 18 # Setup strip_blinker = PixelStrip(numpix, LED_PIN, brightness=brightness) strip_animation = PixelStrip(numpix, LED_PIN, brightness=brightness) strip_blinker.begin() strip_animation.begin() # Button and switch GPIO setup button_pin = 18 toggle_switch_left_pin = 15 toggle_switch_right_pin = 14 # Cleanup GPIO to avoid "channel already in use" errors GPIO.cleanup() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.Board) GPIO.setup(button_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(toggle_switch_left_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(toggle_switch_right_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) blinker_links = False blinker_rechts = False animation_NR = 0 reset_animation = False # Define colors blank = Color(0, 0, 0) white = Color(255, 255, 255) red = Color(255, 0, 0) orange = Color(255, 127, 0) yellow = Color(255, 255, 0) lime = Color(127, 255, 0) green = Color(0, 255, 0) teal = Color(0, 255, 127) cyan = Color(0, 255, 255) sky_blue = Color(0, 127, 255) blue = Color(0, 0, 255) indigo = Color(127, 0, 255) magenta = Color(255, 0, 255) pink = Color(255, 0, 127) colors = [red, orange, yellow, lime, green, teal, cyan, sky_blue, blue, indigo, magenta, pink] ############ Blinker Links ################### def blink_links(): global blinker_links while blinker_links: print('BLINKER LINKS') for x in reversed(range(segment)): if not blinker_links: break strip_blinker.setPixelColor(x, yellow) time.sleep(delay) if not blinker_links: break time.sleep(2 * delay) for y in range(segment): strip_blinker.setPixelColor(y, blank) for y in range(segment): strip_blinker.setPixelColor(y, blank) ############ Blinker Rechts ################## def blink_rechts(): global blinker_rechts startpoint = numpix - segment while blinker_rechts: print('BLINKER RECHTS') for x in range(segment): if not blinker_rechts: break strip_blinker.setPixelColor(startpoint + x, yellow) time.sleep(delay) if not blinker_rechts: break time.sleep(2 * delay) for y in range(segment): strip_blinker.setPixelColor(startpoint + y, blank) for y in range(segment): strip_blinker.setPixelColor(startpoint + y, blank) ############ 0.Animation Licht aus ################ def licht_aus(): global reset_animation for i in range(segment, numpix): strip_animation.setPixelColor(i, blank) while not reset_animation: time.sleep(delay) ############### 1.Animation Licht an ############### def fernlicht_an(): global reset_animation for i in range(segment, numpix): strip_animation.setPixelColor(i, white) while not reset_animation: time.sleep(delay) licht_aus() ############### 2.Animation Rainbow ############### def rainbow(): global reset_animation for i in range(len(colors)): for j in range(segment, numpix): strip_animation.setPixelColor(j, colors[i]) time.sleep(delay) if reset_animation: licht_aus() return ############### 3.Animation Police ############### def police(): global reset_animation blue_segment = [4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12] red_segment = [7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15] for segment, color in [(blue_segment, blue), (red_segment, red)]: for i in segment: strip_animation.setPixelColor(i, color) time.sleep(delay * 2) if reset_animation: licht_aus() return ############### 4.Animation Kit ############### def kit(): global reset_animation kit_delay = 0.01 # Left to Right for x in range(segment, numpix - 2): strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 1, red) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x, red) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 2, red) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x, blank) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 1, blank) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 2, blank) if reset_animation: licht_aus() return # Right to Left for x in reversed(range(segment + 1, numpix - 2)): strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 1, red) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x, red) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 2, red) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x, blank) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 1, blank) time.sleep(kit_delay) strip_animation.setPixelColor(x + 2, blank) if reset_animation: licht_aus() return # INTERRUPT HANDLERS # Blinker Links def switch_left_up(channel): global blinker_links, blinker_rechts if blinker_rechts: blinker_rechts = False if blinker_links: return blinker_links = True threading.Thread(target=blink_links).start() def switch_left_down(channel): global blinker_links blinker_links = False GPIO.add_event_detect(toggle_switch_left_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=switch_left_up) GPIO.add_event_detect(toggle_switch_left_pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=switch_left_down) # Blinker Rechts def switch_right_up(channel): global blinker_rechts, blinker_links if blinker_links: blinker_links = False if blinker_rechts: return blinker_rechts = True threading.Thread(target=blink_rechts).start() def switch_right_down(channel): global blinker_rechts blinker_rechts = False GPIO.add_event_detect(toggle_switch_right_pin, GPIO.RISING, callback=switch_right_up) GPIO.add_event_detect(toggle_switch_right_pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=switch_right_down) # Button Interrupt def button_pressed(channel): global debouncing, animation_NR, reset_animation animation_NR = (animation_NR + 1) % anzahl_animationen reset_animation = True GPIO.add_event_detect(button_pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=button_pressed, bouncetime=200) # Ensure GPIO cleanup on exit import atexit atexit.register(GPIO.cleanup) # Main loop try: while True: if animation_NR == 0: licht_aus() elif animation_NR == 1: fernlicht_an() elif animation_NR == 2: rainbow() elif animation_NR == 3: police() elif animation_NR == 4: kit() time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup()